Stein flat out said she supports Israel's right to exist and that Israel has a right to self defense. Legally speaking neither statement is true and she clearly is just pulling the wool over people's eyes. Nations have come and gone throughout history. There is no law anywhere that anyone has to abide by that ensures every nation's existence. Not does Israel have a right to self-defense against the people of two regions it annexed and absorbed. This is an illegal war - a civil war actually - by Israel against those captive people and under the UN charter they have every right to self-determination and Israel has no right to slaughter them. Only vote for a Jew if they are anti-Zionist. Stein is not.

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"Only vote for a Buddhist..." "Only vote for a Christian..." "Only vote for a Mormon..."

Do you see why the Founders separated church and state? You jump to the wrong conclusion about Dr. Stein and label her a "Jew", thus coming across as a friend of Adolf Hitler and negating the rest of your argument. Everyone has the right to "self-defense" if someone attacks them, right? They don't have the right to commit genocide, though, which is a big difference. Jill Stein and the Green Party are against genocide and war--it's in their platforms, but no where do they state that there needs to be a separate state called "Israel." Go check them out at jillstein2024.com/platform and gp.org

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Excellent, Cindy, just above and beyond.

I too don’t trust a single soul who isn’t speaking out for Palestine and have cut them out of my lives. ( And they’ve been numerous, including most of my husband’s Baptist (🤮) family. Thankfully he freed himself from that mindset.)

SCAMALA: “I’m speaking now”.

Me: “Then shut the fuck up, cunt!”

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Aw, shucks! Thanks for your kind words, Beth.

It's been a struggle for me this past year leaving so many seemingly "nice people" behind because I can't stand their lack of compassion and morals when it comes to speaking out for Palestine. It's just mind-boggling at times how they can be so cold and heartless. Guess what Tuesday's post will be about?

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Harris can go to hell

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And so she shall since she gladly does the Devil's work.

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I'm voting my conscience and it says to vote for Dr. Jill Stein and Professor Butch Ware. I'm not letting those heartless genocide supporters shame me out of doing what is right. The founding fathers probably would be horrified at how every duopoly politician is in the pockets of AIPAC and the MIC. At least they could think for themselves back then! Jill Stein will bring us back to We the People, not maintain the corrupt status quo.

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It is amazing how much more independent-minded people seem 250 years ago compared to today, isn't it? They knew what was "right," and they stuck to their guns. Let's hope this election we see more Americans voting their conscience instead of being vote-shamed into voting for more of the same corruption. "Lesser evils" always bring more evil into the world.

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Mr. Matthews,

Please put a muzzle on it.

This type of talk might could lead to things like my holdings in Northrop Grumman getting shaved a bit.

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I'll tell him, since I'm a "Mrs." But he's a die-hard eco-socialist and Northrop Grumman be damned. ;-)

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Please add a LOL. TIA

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