Feb 4Edited

Elon Musk isnt merely a little unusual or has aspbergers. He has a known drug problem, and that is when these outbursts happen. For example a couple years ago with the incident of the Thai students stuck in a cave.

Its not just oligarchs running amok. Its also drug-riddled ones doing it.

But in general Chris Hedges already pinned the tail on the donkey many years ago when he wrote about the "pathological greed" of the super-rich. There are people completely dissociated with normal life, what things costs in people's lives, the impact of money needs etc. Even the actual damage their companies cause to the planet, they are often insulated from ever experiencing or suffering from. They are basically not human. Just greedy money-consuming machines who believe that what's their is theirs and what's yours is theirs to take.

This doesnt end well.

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I wonder too if they're "human" or not, but I'm told they are since they can breed with us. But psychologically? That's debatable when talking about sociopaths/psychopaths. Fingers crossed that we can remove them from power before they remove us.

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Dietrich Bonhoeffer developed a theory of stupidity during his imprisonment by the Nazis in 1942. But I see the point of saying that stupidity is not an intellectual defect but a moral one and that people are not born stupid but become so by allowing themselves to be transformed. He explains that stupidity is a social phenomenon, often arising when people succumb to group pressures and lose their autonomy and moral reasoning. However, I also think that due to economic anxiety and frustration, many people let themselves be manipulated into a practically cultish mindset, and yes, more than a psychological, it is a sociological process, or one could say a socio-psychological process. So, we can argue with those who love Musk and Trump or billionaires, but nothing will change unless the material basis is improved.

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There's an old saying that goes, "Ignorance can be fixed--stupid is forever." I think Bonhoeffer was saying that an ignorant person simply doesn't know or understand the facts of a situation, but that a stupid person does and willfully refuses to consider that he/she may be wrong. Then it becomes a moral matter because it becomes a "choice."

But then that begs the argument, "Why would anyone chose to be stupid/immoral? What do they get out of it?" Billionaires get more profits from acting immorally (stupidly) but what does a common person get from such stupidity? It may simply be a survival tactic in this dystopian world we live in. In order to survive, you need friends and connections (with power and money). You act "stupid" or "immoral" to gain those connections. But in the choice you do lose a part of your own self. In the end, you give up your ability to choose, and then what are you? You're simply a hollow shell, a puppet of sorts to be used by others. I'd venture to say that's the majority of our elected officials--puppets who chose to be immoral in order to survive and get ahead with the help of the oligarchs/billionaires.

If everyone had the human rights listed in the UN Declaration of Human Rights, of health care, food, shelter, clothing, access to education, etc., then folks wouldn't make these stupid/immoral choices probably. They would feel secure and wouldn't be grasping at straws to survive as they currently do.

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If you give a GenocidalZioNazi a piece of land . . .

MSNBC TELLS TRUTH then retracts it


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Deja vu! I was just watching that clip. Amazing how the truth just slips out sometimes, no matter how hard people try to cover it over. That must be what it means when we say, "The truth shall set you free." You can't lock up the truth forever. It WILL get out!

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Give an ass a bit of grain and he’ll want the whole bag, ten bales of hay, and twelve pounds of carrots.

( Apologies to the biological asses.)

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The humble burro should never be confused with the billionaire. Musk-Rat wouldn't know what humility was if it hit him in the...burro. LOL!! Those who are used to taking and taking will very rarely give anything back. It's why they're completely unnecessary in the scheme of things.

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That first picture cracks me up... We really should piss all over Musk before he returns the favor! A friend says she's going to slap swastika stickers on every Tesla she sees. That's how the sanctioning part of BDS works!

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I can imagine one of those ugly Tesla "Cyber Trucks" being covered in those stickers... Ugh!

Let's make being a fascist an uncool thing again, shall we?

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Love it, Celine!


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