While I completely agree with the notion of unity and forgiveness, I completely disagree that revolution hasn't happened because "workers aren't ready for it."
1) How do workers inform themselves on the nature of the beast, when search engines direct them to msm?
2) How do workers inform themselves when they have so little free time?
3) How do workers unify when government has infiltrated every significant leftist faction in the US?
Workers who follow msm hate each other because they're told to hate each other. The workers have poor reasoning skills because schools have been defunded. They have barely enough money to survive, and they're constantly reminded that "the union doesn't have enough strike funds" or "if you strike your health insurance will be canceled". Or here in the south, "if you strike we fire you. If you do anything even remotely pro-union, we will fire you."
And it bears repeating, if you try to search the internet for answers, you will only find propaganda. It took me over a year to collect links to independent journalism. And I have a graduate degree!
So yes, 100% with you on unity.
But I think we should be much more aware of the state's active sabotage and how it prevents workers from standing up. Precarious existences must be clutched. Perhaps when things get even worse and there's nothing left to fight for... And I'm fully aware of how pathetic that last sentence sounds, but there is truth to it. When it becomes obvious that no amount of work will feed one's family, people will be much more likely to heed the call to revolution.
Great comment! I agree with you about the amount of propaganda and censorship happening. I work hard to keep in touch with like minds while ignoring the mainstream narrative that is coming out of our corrupt government, but it's not easy and not everyone has the critical thinking skills to ascertain where the narrative is coming from and what their motivations are. It's why we need more folks following the indie journalists here at Substack and sharing the information and insights they learn with others, preferably in the "Real World" and not just the cyberworld, which is all too easily blocked and thwarted. Power to the people!
Amen. I think one important strategy is to constantly emphasize workers vs rulers. That includes educating the economically struggling part of the PMC.
Just as important, I think, is to simply not talk about identity "issues". I'd happily debate anybody who disagrees. Because here in the US, we use money to pay the rent. We don't use our gender or race to pay the electric company. As you said there's a reason why MSM doesn't talk class politics.
We're all "demented" this way. We're waiting for a Revolution that other workers are still too divided to cooperate with us to bring it about yet. But maybe someday...?
More reasons to outlaw money. Really. Just get rid of the stuff. We have a fiat currency. It's just a bunch of numbers on a ledger anyway with nothing to back it up.
While I completely agree with the notion of unity and forgiveness, I completely disagree that revolution hasn't happened because "workers aren't ready for it."
1) How do workers inform themselves on the nature of the beast, when search engines direct them to msm?
2) How do workers inform themselves when they have so little free time?
3) How do workers unify when government has infiltrated every significant leftist faction in the US?
Workers who follow msm hate each other because they're told to hate each other. The workers have poor reasoning skills because schools have been defunded. They have barely enough money to survive, and they're constantly reminded that "the union doesn't have enough strike funds" or "if you strike your health insurance will be canceled". Or here in the south, "if you strike we fire you. If you do anything even remotely pro-union, we will fire you."
And it bears repeating, if you try to search the internet for answers, you will only find propaganda. It took me over a year to collect links to independent journalism. And I have a graduate degree!
So yes, 100% with you on unity.
But I think we should be much more aware of the state's active sabotage and how it prevents workers from standing up. Precarious existences must be clutched. Perhaps when things get even worse and there's nothing left to fight for... And I'm fully aware of how pathetic that last sentence sounds, but there is truth to it. When it becomes obvious that no amount of work will feed one's family, people will be much more likely to heed the call to revolution.
Great comment! I agree with you about the amount of propaganda and censorship happening. I work hard to keep in touch with like minds while ignoring the mainstream narrative that is coming out of our corrupt government, but it's not easy and not everyone has the critical thinking skills to ascertain where the narrative is coming from and what their motivations are. It's why we need more folks following the indie journalists here at Substack and sharing the information and insights they learn with others, preferably in the "Real World" and not just the cyberworld, which is all too easily blocked and thwarted. Power to the people!
Amen. I think one important strategy is to constantly emphasize workers vs rulers. That includes educating the economically struggling part of the PMC.
Just as important, I think, is to simply not talk about identity "issues". I'd happily debate anybody who disagrees. Because here in the US, we use money to pay the rent. We don't use our gender or race to pay the electric company. As you said there's a reason why MSM doesn't talk class politics.
I spy this question daily and nightly too ! Thanks to your article, I know I'm not a dement girl ...
We're all "demented" this way. We're waiting for a Revolution that other workers are still too divided to cooperate with us to bring it about yet. But maybe someday...?
More reasons to outlaw money. Really. Just get rid of the stuff. We have a fiat currency. It's just a bunch of numbers on a ledger anyway with nothing to back it up.
Thanks for your comment