Can't wait to wave good bye to Genocide Joe Biden! No matter how they try to prop him up, he's going to fall. Hard. It serves him right, too I would love to see a third party president in office and experience the upheaval to the corrupt status quo. All over the world people are sick and tired of endless wars, and shunning Israel for its genocide of Gaza proves this.
Whoever runs is going to lose to Trump. At least voting for a third-party candidate will help take ditch Biden. Love both Stein and West, both are good protest votes, but I'd keep my illusions in-check. Just say'n.
Yeah, always stay firmly rooted in reality, but don't stop reaching for the stars. One of these days, we're going to see the end of the corrupt status quo. If I can do anything to cause them confusion and hasten their self-destruction, I'm doing it.
Kennedy said after the Cuban Missile Crisis 'We were eyeball to eyeball - and the other guy blinked first.' It's worth noting that when he said that he'd omitted the little fact that the US government did a lot of blinking during the negotiations. Reagan closed down the Zionist offensive in Lebanon with a single phone call. #GenocideJoe Biden can do the same to close down the current genocide in Palestine - but he won't.
of course he won't. He has never had a problem with killing women and children if it helps to achieve whatever ends he has decided he deserves to achieve. "the senator commended the Israeli war effort and boasted that he would have gone further, even if it meant killing women and children. Begin himself was taken aback by the words of the future US president, Joe Biden."
Whenever Reagan looks good by comparison, you know that president is the pits! It really begs the question why Biden won't "blink" and tell Israel to stop their genocide and attacks on Iranian targets... Maybe someone won't let him call a halt to the hostilities? Blinken? The oligarchy? But then why did Kennedy and Reagan and others have enough gumption to do so?
I think Biden doesn't want to call a halt. His cohorts may be of the same mind, but Biden himself is corrupt and lacks humanity. He is a zionist. He is proud of that fact.
I don't think electoral politics at the national level is worth putting any effort towards. Obviously the election will still be important. What we should put our effort towards is collectively tracing all the different scenarios that could result from the election outcome, and strategize on what how we need to adapt our actions.
That's an interesting angle I hadn't considered. But wouldn't one way to strategize on how to adapt to the election's outcome be to actively try to promote a specific outcome--to promote a specific candidate? I mean, if you're working to create a certain outcome by having your preferred candidate win office, you're already adapting your actions to an outcome. Why not pick the healthiest option and work towards bringing that scenario about? I guess I like to have a clear path to follow and would rather "act" and not have to "re-act" to an outcome of an election.
I agree, the mask is off and the props and patches holding up the empire are creaking and popping loose. The US/Israeli genocide has exposed the venal, thuggish core of empire. A video of a grieving mother i Gaza holding the body of her murdered child expose the lies of US/Israeli imperialism.
The recent measured and disciplined Iranian response to the Israeli war crime attack on their consulate in Damascus has shifted the power dynamic in the Middle East. While the western media crowed about the Israeli missile defense, they downplayed the fact that Iran had given 72-hour warning, used old and outdated drones and missiles and even then 5 of 7 missiles targeting one of the most defended military bases in Israel ... the same base from which the fighter jets that attacked Damascus took off.
The measured Iranian response was a slap instead of a punch. Imagine what happens with no warning and use of top-of-the-line weaponry. Their slap warns of how devastating their punch can be. Unfortunately, the arrogance and degree of pathological entitlement of the US and Israel assures they will respond stupidly. The result of that will most likely be more crumbling of the foundations of our national arrogance and cruelty. The buzzards will come home to roost.
I think the buzzards are circling the US/Israel combined carcass even now. The idea of the "slap" done in an adult manner to get a selfish temper tantrum-throwing child's attention is appropriate when it comes to the Iranian response to Israel's impulsive attack on their consulate in Damascus. Why has Biden and the oligarchs got us wrapped up with the genocide-happy Israeli war hawks? It's the losing side no matter how you look at it. We're losers to keep supporting Israel.
Thanks again for the use of your great cartoon. It says it all!
This may be your best yet. Your description of the dilemna the corporate media is facing, and of the very stark choices the Biden Regime has had and made, is spot-on.
My one difference with you is your decision to support Jill Stein and the Greens. Sorry man, but I just can't do it. I find the Greens to be more of a social club, and a pettily divided social club at that, rather than a political party that even has a dream of accomplishing anything.
They could have had Jesse Ventura in 2020, but he wouldn't meet with all of the identity politics committees the Greens have. They could have had Cornel West, who would have at least made a splash in some swing states, but he was rejected by the transgender faction of the Greens.
I'm also absolutely repulsed by the European Greens' Covidiocy and slavering warmongering against Russia, which can't help but taint an American party of the same name.
Maybe if someone like you was in charge, things would be different.
Thanks for your kind words for my work. I understand where you're coming from--I'm not much a "party animal" either, but I see the usefulness of an alternative political party particularly at this time and place. We need a "wedge" to split the duopoly in half and flip them out of their ensconced place in American society. Sort of like prying up rocks stuck hard in the mud. The Green Party US can do this in 2024. Biden's genocide enabling tendencies have given them a HUGE opening, as the vast majority of Americans don't want the US to support the genocide. Voters are sick and tired of the "Parties of War and Wall Street". They deserve a change and a choice at the ballot, IMO. Jill Stein provides that change and that opportunity to start "flipping" this sick society over and helping it metamorphose into a healthier world.
The Jesse Ventura line isn't accurate. I was working behind the scenes and I heard Jesse's reasoning for not wanting to run for president--he was still working for RT TV doing his own show. His wife I believe was sick and his health insurance policy was through his job at RT. He would have had to give up his television gig to run for office in 2020, and he didn't feel it was going to be right time for him and his family. I respect his decision to put family first.
With Cornel West... Once again, we have a family member who wanted to call all the shots on his campaign and she didn't like the idea that her husband would have to go through the Green primaries and follow the rules. I think he would have done well and would have won the primaries, but she wanted him to take Harlan Crow's money (the same billionaire who gave money to Justice Thomas) and as a Green Party US member, Dr. West wouldn't be able to take that money. Greens don't take corporate cash/lobbyist cash or PAC money like Crow wanted to do for Dr. West. As an Indie candidate, Cornel West can accept all the billionaire money he likes--PLUS at the end of the election, he gets to personally keep whatever is left over!! (Smooth move if you have a billionaire supporter like West does. And the trans folks I know in the GP really loved Cornel West and were sad he moved along to be an independent. He's only on 4 state ballots I was told. Jill has secured over 21 at this point, and the rest are coming along nicely.)
Each country's Green Party is unique and does its own thing, so it's not a universal party as many think it is. The UK Green Party aligns closer to the Green Party US than some of the others. I despise the German Green Party, as they've become essentially the "Blue team" in their parliament and are war hawkish. This goes against the GPUS stance of "People, planet and peace". We don't socialize with them anymore. ;-)
Thank you for that detailed response. I had forgotten about Ventura's wife, and he couldn't quit his job because of the health insurance. West? I don't know. In the Greens' defense, I don't think he was ever anything more than a vanity candidate.
All I know is I was a member of the original Committees of Correspondence back in the early 1980s, the predecessor of the American Green Party. I once tried to get some help from them in supporting a group of profs and students in San Antonio who were demonstrating against Reagan's aid to the contras in Nicaragua.
<crickets> is all I got. Oh, they were willing to DISCUSS it, but not go out on the line, not publicly. "We have to get organized first. We have to have committee meetings." I never saw any organization, and by the time a committee met Congressman Henry B. Gonzalez was already introducing Articles of Impeachment to an empty House.
It was not the kind of experience that exactly filled me with optimism, and nothing has happened since to change my impression.
Yeah, I had some doubts about Dr. West myself at first. I've seen him in person, and he is a dynamic speaker, but he always reminds me of my late father. The type of person who really loves the sound of his own voice at times, and tends to screen out everyone else's voices when it suits his purposes. In hindsight, Greens really shouldn't have been too surprised by his bailing out in order to take Crow's big money donation. He endorsed Biden in 2020, after all.
I didn't become "involved" with the Greens until 2016 officially, so you have a lot more insight into the history of the movement. Like I said, I'm not a "party animal" and I have the same sort of frustrations you had--offer insights and suggestions and then watch them just fall apart from lack of organization or someone else's idea is deemed better because they're more popular, etc. I get along with just enough people in the party to help out nowadays at the campaign level for Jill (because she's such a nice person to work with/for, IMO), but that's about it. My last time helping a local Green candidate wasn't the best experience with the local GP, although the candidate himself was great. Maybe one of these days the stars will align and things will get better. I just hope Greens on the whole can attract the younger generations to the party and keep them involved and eventually in charge. That's the main goal for me in 2024.
From this day forward, I will always spell it: ISRAHELL.
Good spelling. I've also seen "IsRealHell" and "Izrelhel". I've coined my own term for the insane logic of zionists: "Isreality" (Israeli Reality).
Another great Substack post with a familiar title. Check it out:
Can't wait to wave good bye to Genocide Joe Biden! No matter how they try to prop him up, he's going to fall. Hard. It serves him right, too I would love to see a third party president in office and experience the upheaval to the corrupt status quo. All over the world people are sick and tired of endless wars, and shunning Israel for its genocide of Gaza proves this.
Whoever runs is going to lose to Trump. At least voting for a third-party candidate will help take ditch Biden. Love both Stein and West, both are good protest votes, but I'd keep my illusions in-check. Just say'n.
Yeah, always stay firmly rooted in reality, but don't stop reaching for the stars. One of these days, we're going to see the end of the corrupt status quo. If I can do anything to cause them confusion and hasten their self-destruction, I'm doing it.
Kennedy said after the Cuban Missile Crisis 'We were eyeball to eyeball - and the other guy blinked first.' It's worth noting that when he said that he'd omitted the little fact that the US government did a lot of blinking during the negotiations. Reagan closed down the Zionist offensive in Lebanon with a single phone call. #GenocideJoe Biden can do the same to close down the current genocide in Palestine - but he won't.
of course he won't. He has never had a problem with killing women and children if it helps to achieve whatever ends he has decided he deserves to achieve. "the senator commended the Israeli war effort and boasted that he would have gone further, even if it meant killing women and children. Begin himself was taken aback by the words of the future US president, Joe Biden."
Whenever Reagan looks good by comparison, you know that president is the pits! It really begs the question why Biden won't "blink" and tell Israel to stop their genocide and attacks on Iranian targets... Maybe someone won't let him call a halt to the hostilities? Blinken? The oligarchy? But then why did Kennedy and Reagan and others have enough gumption to do so?
I think Biden doesn't want to call a halt. His cohorts may be of the same mind, but Biden himself is corrupt and lacks humanity. He is a zionist. He is proud of that fact.
I don't think electoral politics at the national level is worth putting any effort towards. Obviously the election will still be important. What we should put our effort towards is collectively tracing all the different scenarios that could result from the election outcome, and strategize on what how we need to adapt our actions.
That's an interesting angle I hadn't considered. But wouldn't one way to strategize on how to adapt to the election's outcome be to actively try to promote a specific outcome--to promote a specific candidate? I mean, if you're working to create a certain outcome by having your preferred candidate win office, you're already adapting your actions to an outcome. Why not pick the healthiest option and work towards bringing that scenario about? I guess I like to have a clear path to follow and would rather "act" and not have to "re-act" to an outcome of an election.
Thanks for putting the cartoon to use, RC!
I agree, the mask is off and the props and patches holding up the empire are creaking and popping loose. The US/Israeli genocide has exposed the venal, thuggish core of empire. A video of a grieving mother i Gaza holding the body of her murdered child expose the lies of US/Israeli imperialism.
The recent measured and disciplined Iranian response to the Israeli war crime attack on their consulate in Damascus has shifted the power dynamic in the Middle East. While the western media crowed about the Israeli missile defense, they downplayed the fact that Iran had given 72-hour warning, used old and outdated drones and missiles and even then 5 of 7 missiles targeting one of the most defended military bases in Israel ... the same base from which the fighter jets that attacked Damascus took off.
The measured Iranian response was a slap instead of a punch. Imagine what happens with no warning and use of top-of-the-line weaponry. Their slap warns of how devastating their punch can be. Unfortunately, the arrogance and degree of pathological entitlement of the US and Israel assures they will respond stupidly. The result of that will most likely be more crumbling of the foundations of our national arrogance and cruelty. The buzzards will come home to roost.
I think the buzzards are circling the US/Israel combined carcass even now. The idea of the "slap" done in an adult manner to get a selfish temper tantrum-throwing child's attention is appropriate when it comes to the Iranian response to Israel's impulsive attack on their consulate in Damascus. Why has Biden and the oligarchs got us wrapped up with the genocide-happy Israeli war hawks? It's the losing side no matter how you look at it. We're losers to keep supporting Israel.
Thanks again for the use of your great cartoon. It says it all!
Yes, the whole shit show is falling apart. Glad to see the cartoons put to use.
This may be your best yet. Your description of the dilemna the corporate media is facing, and of the very stark choices the Biden Regime has had and made, is spot-on.
My one difference with you is your decision to support Jill Stein and the Greens. Sorry man, but I just can't do it. I find the Greens to be more of a social club, and a pettily divided social club at that, rather than a political party that even has a dream of accomplishing anything.
They could have had Jesse Ventura in 2020, but he wouldn't meet with all of the identity politics committees the Greens have. They could have had Cornel West, who would have at least made a splash in some swing states, but he was rejected by the transgender faction of the Greens.
I'm also absolutely repulsed by the European Greens' Covidiocy and slavering warmongering against Russia, which can't help but taint an American party of the same name.
Maybe if someone like you was in charge, things would be different.
Thanks for your kind words for my work. I understand where you're coming from--I'm not much a "party animal" either, but I see the usefulness of an alternative political party particularly at this time and place. We need a "wedge" to split the duopoly in half and flip them out of their ensconced place in American society. Sort of like prying up rocks stuck hard in the mud. The Green Party US can do this in 2024. Biden's genocide enabling tendencies have given them a HUGE opening, as the vast majority of Americans don't want the US to support the genocide. Voters are sick and tired of the "Parties of War and Wall Street". They deserve a change and a choice at the ballot, IMO. Jill Stein provides that change and that opportunity to start "flipping" this sick society over and helping it metamorphose into a healthier world.
The Jesse Ventura line isn't accurate. I was working behind the scenes and I heard Jesse's reasoning for not wanting to run for president--he was still working for RT TV doing his own show. His wife I believe was sick and his health insurance policy was through his job at RT. He would have had to give up his television gig to run for office in 2020, and he didn't feel it was going to be right time for him and his family. I respect his decision to put family first.
With Cornel West... Once again, we have a family member who wanted to call all the shots on his campaign and she didn't like the idea that her husband would have to go through the Green primaries and follow the rules. I think he would have done well and would have won the primaries, but she wanted him to take Harlan Crow's money (the same billionaire who gave money to Justice Thomas) and as a Green Party US member, Dr. West wouldn't be able to take that money. Greens don't take corporate cash/lobbyist cash or PAC money like Crow wanted to do for Dr. West. As an Indie candidate, Cornel West can accept all the billionaire money he likes--PLUS at the end of the election, he gets to personally keep whatever is left over!! (Smooth move if you have a billionaire supporter like West does. And the trans folks I know in the GP really loved Cornel West and were sad he moved along to be an independent. He's only on 4 state ballots I was told. Jill has secured over 21 at this point, and the rest are coming along nicely.)
Each country's Green Party is unique and does its own thing, so it's not a universal party as many think it is. The UK Green Party aligns closer to the Green Party US than some of the others. I despise the German Green Party, as they've become essentially the "Blue team" in their parliament and are war hawkish. This goes against the GPUS stance of "People, planet and peace". We don't socialize with them anymore. ;-)
Thank you for that detailed response. I had forgotten about Ventura's wife, and he couldn't quit his job because of the health insurance. West? I don't know. In the Greens' defense, I don't think he was ever anything more than a vanity candidate.
All I know is I was a member of the original Committees of Correspondence back in the early 1980s, the predecessor of the American Green Party. I once tried to get some help from them in supporting a group of profs and students in San Antonio who were demonstrating against Reagan's aid to the contras in Nicaragua.
<crickets> is all I got. Oh, they were willing to DISCUSS it, but not go out on the line, not publicly. "We have to get organized first. We have to have committee meetings." I never saw any organization, and by the time a committee met Congressman Henry B. Gonzalez was already introducing Articles of Impeachment to an empty House.
It was not the kind of experience that exactly filled me with optimism, and nothing has happened since to change my impression.
Yeah, I had some doubts about Dr. West myself at first. I've seen him in person, and he is a dynamic speaker, but he always reminds me of my late father. The type of person who really loves the sound of his own voice at times, and tends to screen out everyone else's voices when it suits his purposes. In hindsight, Greens really shouldn't have been too surprised by his bailing out in order to take Crow's big money donation. He endorsed Biden in 2020, after all.
I didn't become "involved" with the Greens until 2016 officially, so you have a lot more insight into the history of the movement. Like I said, I'm not a "party animal" and I have the same sort of frustrations you had--offer insights and suggestions and then watch them just fall apart from lack of organization or someone else's idea is deemed better because they're more popular, etc. I get along with just enough people in the party to help out nowadays at the campaign level for Jill (because she's such a nice person to work with/for, IMO), but that's about it. My last time helping a local Green candidate wasn't the best experience with the local GP, although the candidate himself was great. Maybe one of these days the stars will align and things will get better. I just hope Greens on the whole can attract the younger generations to the party and keep them involved and eventually in charge. That's the main goal for me in 2024.