"to where the money goes, is from where the Power Flows !"

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Yep. As an historian I've read several accounts of historical figures and their actions that have left me staring at the wall. Even the supposed greatest have dubious records when examined closely. I suppose humanity will eventually evolve to properly use the huge brains nature gifted us with for good rather than evil. What our descendants - assuming humanity will still exist in a few years - will say of our times I dread to think.

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We might not be here to think--and that could explain people like Lindsey Graham who want to start an actual all-out nuclear war. Radiation doesn't exist to these people, so probably the rest of us don't really exist in their narrow minds either. It's time to make our presence known to these evil men (the majority of them are white males it seems) and our wishes for them to cooperate with the majority of us known to them. Start building the guillotines now, in other words, so we aren't too rushed when the time comes to use them.

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Those who work in mainstream media really are complicit in the genocide of the Palestinians. They seem to have no compunction with covering up the true motivations behind Israel and the US and the Western countries in general war crimes. Will they ever see the inside of a jail cell for their aiding genocidal maniacs? Probably not. We'll have to try them in the court of public opinion and bannish them for life from our news agencies.

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Noam Chomsky's takedown of Andrew Marr is on-point.

Marr: “How can you know that I’m self-censoring? How can you know that journalists are..”

Chomsky: “I’m not saying your self censoring. I’m sure you believe everything you’re saying. But what I’m saying is that if you believe something different, you wouldn’t be sitting where you’re sitting.”

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I think anyone who "succeeds wildly" in the field of mainstream media nowadays isn't their own person, no matter how much they might think they are. There's no way to get ahead in a business that's owned and operated by the oligarchs who want to remain at the top of the heap unless you always take the oligarchy's side. You and I may see it that way, but of course people like Marr would argue that they'd do the same things even without the big paychecks. (And maybe they would? They might like the idea of serving the oligarchy, but that only means they're willing to censor and spin everything in their masters' favor and screw the workers.)

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The trip to discovering that all the history you grew up knowing for a fact is all a lie is a sheer drop from a mountaintop often without warning and it can be the most painful shit one ever goes through... No wonder loads of people still avoid knowing the truth and the cling to the safety of the lies theyve been fed all their lives

But simply put, they're fucking ostriches with their head in the hole while their ass is sticking out for their Masters to keep messing with... They need to wake the fuck up

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That's what I think too. There's way to many ostriches nowadays. They hope nobody will see them or take away their comfortable existence. Have we got news for them--they're next!

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Exactly... And at that point, they deserve all they gonna get cause they really have no excuse for having not woken up by now with independent media on the rise with the truth but yet they stick with mainstream media out of comfort and familiarity... Fuck them, and I hope the rest of us that have woken up to the painful truth have found a way to detach from them so when their commepuence comes, we are far away from them and they can enjoy the shitstorm on their own

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Alas, we're all get to "enjoy the shitstorm" because when things go to hell in a hand basket it's going to affect the entirety of the globe and not just the elites. I think our job now isn't trying to convince these oligarchs and their sycophants of the truth (because they do know it and choose not to act on it in a compassionate, humanitarian manner), but to make sure they know that we understand they know that WE know they know the truth but are too self-serving to act in the best interests of all humanity. And we have to make the penalties for their refusal to work in everyone's best interest readily apparent. Start building the guillotines now, in other words, so we aren't too rushed when the time comes to use them.

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Guillotines are too humane; they produce instant death. I prefer drawing and quartering 😁

But if we decide to employ guillotines, I volunteer to hold the basket and the first head I want to see in it is Lady G’s.

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That's my fear as well, that the shitstorm will engulf both the awakened and the stupid and evil overloads equally

And I like your idea of "building the gullotines now" but the problem the good side has always had since time immemorial is a lack of cooperation between us and that has always been the greatest strength of the evil side.. They cooperate like hell

Until we have a single unifying beacon for the good side that is able to shape us to one powerful sledgehammer to smite the other side, we are forever destined to lose to them

On the upside, evil seems to be going too far too soon in 2024 and more people are waking up as a result but until we solve the lack of cooperation problem, it will mean little imo

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