It’s quite right that the universities and colleges are cracking down on protest because they don’t want to divest.

It should also be noted that this is to a significant degree because the boards of trustees of these institutions are full of hardcore Zionist too. So they have a personal interest in denying this genocide and seeing it succeed.

Finally it’s also worth nothing that this Zio-narcissism that you speak of has been cultivated by decades of cultural training that there is “ the holocaust” which is elevated above all other mass murde. And here in Europe even laws that define antisemitism as illegal but NOT other forms of racism and prejudice that are equally damaging in fact.

So for example in Europe there is a legal crime called “holocaust denial”. All very well but WHIICH holocaust? Ok you find out that the Nazi mass murder of Jewish people is illegal to dispute….but it’s perfectly OK to dispute and deny the holocaust of Belgians killing millions of Congolese in their colonial oppression. This of course does not add up.

The result is that Zionists are elevated and told they are better than other. Worth more than other. Ok to oppress others.

It’s a sickening and now increasingly deadly problem.

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You make a very good point here that there isn't just "one holocaust" or genocide that has ever happened (or will happen/is happening) on the planet. The Congo genocide is one that is horribly forgotten by just about every Westerner, especially Americans. One doesn't have to look very far to see how we've forgotten the genocides in Rwanda, Sudan, the Rohinga...and of course, the genocide that might have been the world's largest ever, the genocide of Native Americans in North and South America. Historians and anthropologists are still arguing over how many millions of lives lost--I've seen estimates of 100 million+. But somehow in all these mass murders/ethnic cleansings we've elevated the one "Holocaust" into an excuse to allow one group to continue the tradition of ethnic cleansing forever. Enough is enough! The students are taking the lead on shutting down the military-industrial complex and all people of good conscience must follow their excellent example.

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"Westerners are forever in the zionarcissist’s debt for not being labeled antisemitic." Well said.

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Thank you.

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I must add my own alma mater, the University of Texas at San Antonio(UTSA) to your list, and just yesterday Case Western University in Cleveland.

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Good to hear that we have more Ohio schools to add to the list! (I got the campus list from someone's twitter feed, and I could tell it was out of date the moment I posted it.) I'd like to see my alma mater of the University of Texas of the Permian Basin (UTPB) on the list, but it was a small commuter school when I attended there, so I'm doubtful if they'd make it. But the movement is spreading and it's into Canada (McGill U.) and also in France and the UK in several schools. #FreePalestine! #BDS

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You went to Permian? Huh! Well, you certainly got a dose of the whole Friday Night Lights thang; it's unavoidable there. UTSA was just a commuter school when I went in the 70s. It had just opened up. Now its campus is larger than Austin's in area.

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We actually lived in Big Spring. I know all about high school football...alas! My favorite was 6 man football games. A lot of passing the ball and high scores. If one team is up by 50 points at the half, they call the game there. No need to rub it in!! LOL!!!

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Thank you for this piece. It’s imperative this message spreads across America and the “West”. America’s largest adherents of this cancerous ideology are Christian Zionists. I believe they’re 100M strong - that’s 100M blind followers of Zionarcissists. They’re the core group underwriting the Zionist project of Israel to facilitate the second coming. How do we reverse this insanity?

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You're welcome. We do need to spread this message--Zionism is not what it appears to be and is an evil and destructive ideology that will bring nothing but pain and war. How to reverse it will be tricky and difficult, but I believe it's ultimately doable. We have to educate folks and get them to start thinking for themselves instead of blindly following leaders who don't have their best interests at heart.

Christian Zionists are adherents of John Nelson Darby's idea of the "Rapture" which is neither biblical nor "Christian" when it comes down to it. But you have to understand the history behind what made Darby come up with this idea in the 1830s. It's the early Industrial Revolution in the British Isles. Thousands of families are uprooted from their farms and villages by economic turmoil brought on by the industrialists (capitalists/oligarchs). They're forced into slaving away in factories and workshops under horrible conditions, breathing in coal fumes from the furnaces and engines. They longed for their homes back in the countryside and hated their bosses--BUT they were told that they had to "obey their masters" and slave seven days a week and drop over dead at a young age and not rise up and overthrow this terrible situation.

Sound familiar, doesn't it? Things haven't changed much in 200 years or so. The modern Christian Zionists also tend to be from put-upon groups who are forced to slave away at unsatisfactory jobs for their "masters'" (the corporations/CEOs/capitalists) profits. What gets them through the day? Why, the hope of enjoying a "better afterlife" when they die and that Jesus will come back again and "zap!" all their enemies and abusers. Yeah, what these folks really want is a socialist revolution, but they don't have the terminology or the education to understand that it's not Jesus who would do the "zapping" of the evil capitalists of the world--it's THEM, THE WORKERS. (Jesus, after all, said "Blessed are the peacemakers" and "Love your neighbor." Darby had an unusual idea that Jesus wasn't all about love and service but more like an avenging angel.)

So, in short, we've got to educate a lot of people as to the flaws in this non-Christian/non-biblical ideology that John Nelson Darby first came up with (and has been elaborated on by dozens of others over the last 200 years) and get them to realize that it's in their best interests to not cooperate with the corrupt corporate-run capitalist state that is owned by the miltary-industrial complex with politician-puppets funded by AIPAC. How we go about educating all these millions of Zionists both in the US/West and worldwide is something that is up for discussion and debate. Do you have any good ideas?

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So, in short, we've got to educate a lot of people as to the flaws in this non-Christian/non-biblical ideology that John Nelson Darby first came up with (and has been elaborated on by dozens of others over the last 200 years) and get them to realize that it's in their best interests to not cooperate with the corrupt corporate-run capitalist state that is owned by the miltary-industrial complex with politician-puppets funded by AIPAC. How we go about educating all these millions of Zionists both in the US/West and worldwide is something that is up for discussion and debate. Do you have any good ideas?

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No wonder Congress doesn't pass a Medicare for all bill and give us mental health care. They want us all to be as diseased with zionarcissism as they are so they can take in more money from AIPAC and Lockheed Martin. Time to hospitalize the lot of them! The students have the right idea. #freepalestine

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There's some truth in that... Congress doesn't want a "healthy" citizenry. It's much easier to boss us around and push us to the ground if we want to get up and take them on if we're all "unhealthy" and under the influence of zionarcissism and AIPAC. It's why we've got to cure the disease in order to shut down the genocide machine once and for all.

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She was hideous to see. So delusional, so combative, so personally damaged. By whom? Who did this to her? She arrived, the victim of an assault that must have lasted a long, long time.

Whoever did that to her is a danger to others.

That’s what I see.

My partner was Jewish and cared so much for others.

It’s jolting. But that too was the point. Instilled. Poured out. A perversion.

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The "assault" probably started at birth. Call it indoctrination or brainwashing or just simple abuse, but telling a person over and over again that she is one of "God's chosen people" and that all others are "lesser" to the point of not even being human is damaging. She was left with the belief that only her wants and desire were to be fulfilled and anything (after all, other groups of people aren't considered human) that gets in her way is a threat not only to her comfort but to her very life! Racism/zionism created her and many others, and some will take their narcissism to the ultimate expression of hate--genocide of those who give evidence of their lies.

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Or suicide, if our shared reality shatters theirs, as you say, by being truth to illegitimate power. The final act. Final scene. A single glaring spot illuminates the stage.

Crying, Mother” as all young soldiers cry, as they die.

Mother why?


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