Sep 28Liked by The Revolution Continues

Hello. I am sure you are interested in spreading the truth! I hope you will find this article vital to share.


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Sep 25Liked by The Revolution Continues

It's time to take the Green pill.

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Sep 25Liked by The Revolution Continues

I tried taking both pills once at the same time, but that didn't work out too well either.

The green pill? Yeah, that sounds about right…

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Sep 24Liked by The Revolution Continues

Keep thinking about this very thing…we are not immune from the horrors being perpetrated by an illegitimate nation state.

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Exactly. Just about every human on the planet now has access to an electronic device that could be used against us in a similar manner. This is a more dangerous time to be alive than in other time period in history. We must turn the psychopaths/sociopaths out and get the control of the tech that could wipe us all out without warning. We must create just and humane systems of governance. Terrorist states are a threat to ALL, not only a few.

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Sep 24Liked by The Revolution Continues

I recall a plot point in a dystopian film where prisoners wore exploding collars. Each prisoner had a "mate" wearer whose collar would be triggered if the other escaped. This is the level of terror and control the Zionists wish to instill.

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I think I remember that movie too. This is our new reality. They're going to use our cell-phone/electronic devices addiction against us. No one is safe until we rid ourselves of these sociopaths.

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Sep 24Liked by The Revolution Continues

I knew we where in trouble years ago. I never imagined this would be the world our children grow up in. So many of us trapped by the psychotic few at the top. Everything I thought made us good and the empathy we have is just a pitch black hole in the souls of the powerful. God help us all. Free Palestine and free us!

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Amen! Until Palestine is free, none of us are free!

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Sep 24Liked by The Revolution Continues

Who is "Joy"art by?

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I don't know. I saw it on Twitter/X and picked it up. It's a scene from the dystopian film "A Clockwork Orange" done in the Banksy 3-color style with Harris' campaign slogan on the side. Great art, isn't it?

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Sep 24Liked by The Revolution Continues

It's time to start calling these terrorists by name every opportunity we get. No more covering for Israel anymore! Who cares how our AIPAC bought off politicians act! We boycott, divest and do a people's sanction of them whenever possible. Shut them down permanently, squish the damn genie back into the bottle and toss into the deepest part of the ocean.

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The genie isn't going to like being bottled again once it's been loosed in the world... We can't heap enough blame on the terrorist state of Izrealhell, IMO. They might have sealed all our fates if we can't start turning things around soon.

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Sep 24Liked by The Revolution Continues

It's horrendous! And we have to do all we can to maintain and restore our humanity and empathy in these crazy times.

I wish I knew how we change direction from this heartlessness.

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You and me both. I think if we can still tell this is heartless, psychopathic behavior going on with exploding devices, we're maintaining our own humanity. We just gotta convince others that this terrorism is wrong, and it's extremely dangerous to ALL humans on the planet.

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Sep 24Liked by The Revolution Continues

It’s a good time to read Agamben’s description of “State of Exception”. The more the colonial empire loses control, the more desperate it becomes and the more blatant and depressed the violence it uses in order to try and maintain control.

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Got a link for that by chance? I do see the empire exploding/imploding here, and they've decided not to hold back any longer. Any sadistic tactic goes. We've got to convince others to fight back with us against them.

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Sep 24Liked by The Revolution Continues

1) Digitised in Archive.org library:


2) Wikipedia:


Anyway, the "9/11" era is a good place to consider as the start of this slide to the state of exception, as documented in the Costs of War project:


That was a major challenge to US hegemony by a diverse coalition of non-state actors from the global south, and the US empire reacted with wars of aggression, war crimes, genocide, wiping out civil liberties such as habeus corpus, gulags like Guantanamo, torture campus in Iraq and “extraordinary rendition” to a global network of other torture camps, lies to the public such as the non existent WMD.

If jump to the war of lies about Uighurs and supposed poisonings, MH370 that’s IMO all part of the state dropping all pretence of principle or respect for truth.

Then you look at the Ukraine proxy war, and the one they are trying to start with China that’s the empire going ape£&& over the challengers from the global south. And so is the open genocide in Yemen for a decade now which is extended now to Palestine and latest Lebanon. The naked attacks on the UN, the ICJ, UNRWA even.

It’s all part of the one and same dissolution of all rights and laws and principles the empire claimed to be enshrined and non-negotiable.

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Sep 24Liked by The Revolution Continues

Well said. Israel must be destroyed!

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Agreed. A year ago I might have harbored some hope it could be "saved" from its worst impulses, but not anymore. We don't need a terrorist rogue state starting genocides/wars at the drop of a hat. We need to take them out for the good of us all.

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What goes around, comes around. Cause and effect is a thing. Nothing happens in a vacuum. I keep trying to warn people that those who are capable of committing genocide aren't going to help/save you. The US started as a British colonial settlement birthed by genocide. Israel is as well. Colonizers gonna colonize.

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That's sums it up well: colonizers gonna colonize. It's time to tear down the colonial system and implement genuine democracy and humanity in all our doings.

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Sep 24Liked by The Revolution Continues

This is all so horrific, thanks for all the brilliant work you are doing. ❤️‍🩹

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You're welcome, Susan! Keep on sharing the blog and the article links with friends and family who aren't keeping up with what's happening in the world. We need everyone working together to stop the coming armageddon.

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