"JFK and the Unspeakable" is an extraordinary book. Well written and researched and an essential read to understanding who -- and what -- is actually ruling, mismanaging and betraying the American people.

A good companion read is Aaron Good's "American Exception: Empire And The Deep State". In the link below the first video interview with Jeffery Sachs with Good give a good overview and the second gets into some examples of what he writes of: "'AMERICAN EXCEPTION" -- Explanation Of Purpose & Collapse Of The American Corporate Empire" https://mark192.substack.com/p/american-exception-understanding

Read both books and you will understand what is going on in this fascist corporate state.

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"JFK and the Unspeakable" is an extraordinary book. Well written and researched and an essential read to understanding who -- and what -- is actually ruling, mismanaging and betraying the American people. A good companion read is Aaron Good's "American Exception: Empire And The Deep State". In the link below the first video interview with Jeffery Sachs with Good give a good overview and the second gets into some examples of what he writes of: "'AMERICAN EXCEPTION" -- Explanation Of Purpose & Collapse Of The American Corporate Empire" https://mark192.substack.com/p/american-exception-understanding

Read both books and you will understand what is going on in this fascist corporate state.

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Read any book by Michael Collins Piper esp "Final Judgement, parts 1 and 2." This man who "died unexpectedly", was hovering over the target for years.

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It is obvious that you and the Universe are in great synchronicity. This article of yours particularly resonated with me. I have been somewhat obsessed since I was a young adolescent with the question of who killed JFK and why. I’ve read several books and articles over five decades, pondering the question at some times more than others. In the last five years, I’ve begun to see how the puzzle pieces fit together. You came across one of the books many people tout as important to understanding this event, including Ray McGovern who has it prominently displayed in his bookcase for webinar viewers to spot. You are so talented at making sense of overarching themes as they apply to what we mortals are contending with in the present.

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Thank you for your kind words, Chris. I say I'm a "big picture" person because I like to find the connections between things, from the past into the present and possibly the future. We learn from our past mistakes, so we'd better inform ourselves to avoid more of them in the future.

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Wow good writing. Great subject. I'm totally into it. Lots of links-THATS where it's at, so folks can get exposed to INFORMATION to help them actually have OPINIONS about things that they actually know about, instead of just spewing propaganda lies and vapid driveling nonsense. The great obstacle to the truth coming out is of course very antisemitic because my answer is simply "Jews." But here on substack the censorship has been greatly pushed back, to the point where some of you might actually hear my reasoning. It's because INDIVIDUALS of the Jewish persuasion are at the top of the decision making when it comes to the INTELLIGENCE AGENCY false flag terrorism and psychological operations aka psyops of CIA, mi6, mossad, and rogue JEW WORLD ORDER coup states like USA, UK, jisrael, et al. Naturally some of you do NOT want to hear this thanks to cognitive dissonance, because you truly believe that it's not true that it's Jews at the top giving the orders. Maybe you have been getting your progressive alternative news from gnome chumpski and Army Goodwrench on Democracy Too Late, or from Julio Asshand the mkultra cult kid, or Christ Hedging from the Jew York Times, and you don't realize these trusted sources are PSYOPPING ON YOU. They aren't going to tell you how JEWS DID 911 and had the hutzpah to blame it on "the" Muslims. 10/7 too. So flagrant.wheres the real racism? Is it in the brainwashed hurt feelings? Or is the REAL RACISM in the actual bombs that have been dropped over these gargantuan overwhelmingly Jewish lies. Obviously rank and file jewry is not engineering all of these heinous evil machinations of the banking dynasty and allied criminal super rich .00001% Jewish families. Regular neighborhood Jewish friends and families and relatives are not to blame, but if they're going to continue to deny that it's Jews at the top people like me are going to keep saying it's very important to try to identify exactly who they are and exactly what they're doing, and censorship of these views doesn't cut the mustard anymore. Believe it or not all of the important details are known, but a lot of folks haven't been exposed to them yet because these same super rich Jews own and run or control the media and education systems. Jews engineered ALL of WW1 & WW2, and killed JFK as well over dimona nukes. Here's some REAL links to prove it https://www.afrocubaweb.com/mossadjfk.htm

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Thanks for your kind words on my writing. I understand where you're coming from, but I caution you to not keep saying it's the "top Jews" instead of it's the "Zionists" who are controlling our media and leading the oligarchy worldwide into wars/genocide for their financial gain. Zionists originally were not tied to any religion--Theodor Herzl its founder was an atheist. In the US, the majority of Zionists are "Christian Zionists" and they have swallowed a ton of propaganda to be sure.

It comes down to the fact that human beings can't be put into neat categories by their race or religion, but they can be put into categories according to their political beliefs. Zionism is a political philosophy with genocidal tendencies and a total disregard for anyone who isn't working for or with them. We need to expose Zionism and Zionists at every chance we get, and that includes the vast majority of the elected officials of the US. We need to expose their capitalist manipulations of the media, the banks, and governments and not try to insult any ethnic or religious affiliation they may have been born into.

Because no one can choose to be born black, white, brown, red, Jewish, Muslim, Christian, Buddhist, etc. We're just born into families. We're humans. We've got to treat each other as equals and expose the greed and hate of the political philosophies we've been indoctrinated into, such as Zionism, capitalism. It's the greed we're against.

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Brilliant article. A note: Russia is more than a competitor; it’s a humongous piece of real estate containing a super-wealth of resources of all kinds. The greedy capitalist monsters just plain want it. I’m guessing they plan to repeat their game plan of ‘falsely accuse, invade, occupy, set up puppet government favorable to (owned by) corporations’. That has worked with so many poor helpless nations. I’m almost hoping they try it with Russia - Napoleon and Hitler made the same mistake.

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If you can't learn from Napoleon and Hitler--who can you learn from?

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Trumpolini tried banging the drum for war against Iran during his first term, but failed to gain any traction. Now he's at it again, with the added bonus of taking over Greenland and the Panama Canal for the greater glory of the American Empire. All these psy-ops - however badly fabricated and executed they are - are merely attempts to get the vast US public behind the Establishment's stupid ideas.

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The "establishment" is many things and goes by many names, but stupid is not one of them. I call it the Jew World Order and it's as wise as a serpent- on a false flag level, theyre very good at making people THINK they're stupid, like when their CIA admits they made a mistake and some catastrophic blow back occurs or some country gets completely demolished and they try to tell us that wasn't their intention in the first place. Butt rump obviously is indeed a very stupid jive turkey motherfucker from hell. The king of bankruptcy, rump the donald, just another rich kid real estate developer, scumbag, lowlife, loudmouthed, criminal, playboy, laughingstock loser. but he does possibly have a decent sense of humor at least. (what's the difference between a garbanzo bean and a chickpea? Donald Trump has never had a garbanzo bean on his face.) he was just another jerk until he joined up with Resorts International Casinos, taking the position of a retiring outgoing CIA agent. This is the moment when Donald Trump became a made man in mafia terminology, hit the bigtime jackpot- he had entered the fold of the world controllers massive heroin money laundry. This "casino" was a front company for CIA AND mossad both, established quite a long time ago to help launder proceeds from ALL of their illegal businesses, which could be rather lucrative drugs and guns, but were mostly guns and drugs. Human trafficking pays too. Organ trading is another biggie nowadays but that's mostly just Jews doing it. Insider trading etc etc etc. Anyway his main overlords there were Tibor Rosenbaum, Meyer Lansky, and a fella named Rothschild, and those are the 3 who engineered the hit on JFK, in case you didn't know. It's a small world. Anyway when Trump fell on hard times back in the 80s he was personally bailed out by Wilbur Ross who was Mr Big at a little firm called Rothschild Incorporated. Wilbur remarked at that time that he was bailing Trump out because they "admired his showmanship." Wilbur is Jewish despite his waspy sounding old farm name. He was "our" US SECRETARY OF COMMERCE under Trump 1 (payback bonus there.) it took them a while, but eventually they got around to using Trump as a showman in their show government. I would call trumpolini or whatever you want to call the orange retart, a living breathing psyop in the flesh. I think you might be exactly right about them wanting to lead us to get behind the establishments ideal of a bigger picture in consolidation, like Greenland and the Panama canal and the Gulf of America, but even bigger. They want to unite their super powers Russia China and the jUSA into one big new world government. We are on the edge of their global totalitarian dream. It might seem counterintuitive if you don't know the details but it was the arch capitalists of wall street who had established TOTALITARIANISM in Russia, AND in China, and they called it communism to create a strategy of tension between East and West to feed their Perpetual Jew War Machine aka Permanent Jew War Economy. Here's a couple more good links anyway https://lorddreadnought.livejournal.com/37272.html


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They really are "stupid ideas" Trump/Biden puts out, aren't they? You do wonder why so many fall for them. Perhaps we in the West are trained (brainwashed?) into accepting whatever an authority figure says as the Gospel truth no matter how inane. A little skepticism per individual would go a long way toward making the entire planet a safer place, IMO.

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Come to think of it I was wanting to address some of the issues you mentioned, and go further. Like those guys who served in Afghanistan in your article. How can we be having a false flag conversation with guys who went to Afghanistan without discussing the war for heroin fought over a passport in the rubble and some Muslims in a cave. Oi veh! Let's go to the videotape https://archive.org/details/911-missing-links-full-length

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Yes both figureheads following their Jew World Orders. Biden a mere professional liar from Big Jew Pharma and Trump from the Jews massive HEROIN LAUNDRY CASINO get the facts https://americanfreepress.net/who-towers-behind-trump/

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Ah, the truth, the reality, of our lives and world! And the ongoing success and impunity of these brutal scams, these crimes against humanity! What a human tragedy. The wolves continue feasting on the hapless sheep, as they graze in ignorance......!

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Have you ever watched Shawn the Sheep? It's an English claymation kids cartoon series. Lots of episodes. Funny as shit. Seriously good for adults, not just kids. I always crack up laughing when I watch it. Typical English farmer bumbling along, with dog. Shawn and all the other sheep are black, but some folks might not even realize it... Anyway here's another good link for you about the big deceptions all over the place in every nook and cranny of our lives, gargantuan lies. I like to share links about The Big Truth to counter the big lie... https://archive.org/details/we-thought-they-were-white

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Thanks for the fascinating link! I look forward to exploring further.

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I think the wolf and sheep analogy is apt. We are "sheeple" to the security state, the wolves, and their lackeys in big business and the military. We are to be herded to where we're needed and slaughtered when we're not. The "sheepdogs" do the herding and don't necessarily realize that they work for the wolves instead of a kind human master. It's time to wake up the sheeple and the sheepdogs to the reality and prepare ourselves for a wolf hunt.

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I can't believe a damn thing the US government or it's lackeys say anymore. Our true masters are the billionaires and their security state flunkies. And they will murder as many millions of innocents as it takes to keep their rule intact. Bastards!

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Your comment brings me to Watergate which was another false flag psyop, even though all the folks who lived through it and were even know it all lefty activists, or as they said back then, commie pinkos, barely understand this today. The banker Jews at the top behind their figurehead lackey stooges, they needed to take some heat off the greater Uncle Sam, and they made Nixon fall on his sword for the empire as they used to say in ancient Rome. They made him be the scapegoat to relieve the pressure of Vietnam, JFK assassination, etc etc etc. it worked like a charm with ellsberg like Ed snowjob Snowden feeding us the info they wanted us to have. Nixon was the bad apple and "he" gave us the feeling - feeling only mind you - that we the people had the power to protest and force the criminal tricky dick Nixon to step down, there y giving the people a "victory" and also reinforcing the idea (idea only) that OUR system worked... Total psyop, all documented, but STILL almost nobody knows about it. Big whoop they replaced their NAVAL INTELLIGENCE AGENT richard 'milhous' Nixon with their CAREER CIA AGENT Gerald r Ford, who was fresh from lying for them on their PSYOP Warren Commission about how they didn't kill JFK... So don't worry Celine you never should have been believing anything they ever said before either, back at some idealistic point where they make us think nobody was wise to their modud operandi. Theyve had complete control of their white house form over a hundred years. The killed president william mckinley because he was a hard money man, and to get their friendlier NYC banker boy stooge teddy Roosevelt in there https://www.voltairenet.org/article166759.html

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Agreed. We put ourselves at risk whenever we do take them at their word. Their motives and goals aren't ours. The genocide in Gaza isn't something the vast majority of Americans/Westerners/Moral human beings approve of, is it? Yet the Unspeakable has no problem with sacrificing the lives of millions to get what they want. We must unite and fight against this Unspeakable Evil.

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Sorry if you tried to leave a comment earlier and it said "only paid subscribers can leave comments". I'm not sure what happened, but hopefully I corrected it. Comment away!

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Before the words"false flag and psyop" came into commonplace usage, there was a guy who coined a different term to describe a similar thing, and that was "the BIG LIE." I like to think of holocaust revisionism as The Big Truth. Ron Unz is truly a great writer and anyone can judge for themselves by reading his American Pravda in the link below. Here is a quote from it: "...in per capita terms Jews were the greatest mass-murderers of the twentieth century, holding that unfortunate distinction by an enormous margin and with no other nationality coming even remotely close. And yet, by the astonishing alchemy of Hollywood, the greatest killers of the last one hundred years have somehow been transmuted into being seen as the greatest victims, a transformation so seemingly implausible that future generations will surely be left gasping in awe." https://www.unz.com/runz/american-pravda-holocaust-denial/

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31 Surefire Ways To Make Me Lose Interest In Your Thoughts About The World https://www.caitlinjohnst.one/p/31-surefire-ways-to-make-me-lose

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That is really cool thank you very much indeed. I hope you get rich off of doing this honestly, as well you should by right of the truth. Thanks especially for all the links. I tried to add a few more in the comments that will hopefully burn the tongues off the brainwashing. In addition to what you wrote, another point I think it's very important to mention is that false flags are nothing new. Like the old Roman saying cui bono "who benefits". There are SO many wars in the Bible. Funny they were all over forests which was the oil of the ancient world. But the favorite tactic of war has always been stuff like faking shit to make your enemies attack each other, or any other examples of the most devious lies ever dreamed of, such as "THE" holocaust. What? They lied about WW1& WW2 and the MEGA Group behind epstein, but they DIDNT lie about the holocaust??? That's such a big lie that it's now commonly referred to as the LOLOCAUST or the Holohoax. Once you know ALL THE DETAILS that they don't even allow you to discuss, punishable by jail time in many countries, you realize the story suffers from SO much Jewish embellishment as to be laughable. Of course obviously 10's of millions of human beings did die in WW2, but it was waaaay less than 6 million if even 500,000. The concentration camps were not at all made to be extermination camps. Ironically it was Jews who wanted to exterminate the Germans, and exactly like today with Iran, they want the Americans and the British to do it for them... Oi veh. It's hard to fit things into little words and articles but I hope people will look extremely deeply into these matters while they can. There's a huge amount of info on the holocaust psyop right here on substack, but it might not be easily accessible like this forever... Just to round out the psyop, the 3 pillars of Jews lives are all 3 fake, absolute psyops. I call them jisrael, self Chosenism, and Holocaustianity. That's all they've got and it should be taken from them as punishment for genocide in PALESTINE

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