Brilliant article. A note: Russia is more than a competitor; it’s a humongous piece of real estate containing a super-wealth of resources of all kinds. The greedy capitalist monsters just plain want it. I’m guessing they plan to repeat their game plan of ‘falsely accuse, invade, occupy, set up puppet government favorable to (owned by) corporations’. That has worked with so many poor helpless nations. I’m almost hoping they try it with Russia - Napoleon and Hitler made the same mistake.

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If you can't learn from Napoleon and Hitler--who can you learn from?

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Trumpolini tried banging the drum for war against Iran during his first term, but failed to gain any traction. Now he's at it again, with the added bonus of taking over Greenland and the Panama Canal for the greater glory of the American Empire. All these psy-ops - however badly fabricated and executed they are - are merely attempts to get the vast US public behind the Establishment's stupid ideas.

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They really are "stupid ideas" Trump/Biden puts out, aren't they? You do wonder why so many fall for them. Perhaps we in the West are trained (brainwashed?) into accepting whatever an authority figure says as the Gospel truth no matter how inane. A little skepticism per individual would go a long way toward making the entire planet a safer place, IMO.

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Ah, the truth, the reality, of our lives and world! And the ongoing success and impunity of these brutal scams, these crimes against humanity! What a human tragedy. The wolves continue feasting on the hapless sheep, as they graze in ignorance......!

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I think the wolf and sheep analogy is apt. We are "sheeple" to the security state, the wolves, and their lackeys in big business and the military. We are to be herded to where we're needed and slaughtered when we're not. The "sheepdogs" do the herding and don't necessarily realize that they work for the wolves instead of a kind human master. It's time to wake up the sheeple and the sheepdogs to the reality and prepare ourselves for a wolf hunt.

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I can't believe a damn thing the US government or it's lackeys say anymore. Our true masters are the billionaires and their security state flunkies. And they will murder as many millions of innocents as it takes to keep their rule intact. Bastards!

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Agreed. We put ourselves at risk whenever we do take them at their word. Their motives and goals aren't ours. The genocide in Gaza isn't something the vast majority of Americans/Westerners/Moral human beings approve of, is it? Yet the Unspeakable has no problem with sacrificing the lives of millions to get what they want. We must unite and fight against this Unspeakable Evil.

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Sorry if you tried to leave a comment earlier and it said "only paid subscribers can leave comments". I'm not sure what happened, but hopefully I corrected it. Comment away!

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