Jan 2Liked by The Revolution Continues


“a revolution of the heart, an awakening of conscience, or the raising of our collective consciousness”

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Jan 1Liked by The Revolution Continues

So many of us are on the same page about how this year has to be a turning point. I'm writing a post about this, in a very different way, right now.

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Jan 13Liked by The Revolution Continues

Indeed 2024 should be a year of revolution. And I encourage those who don’t know how to start to start with themselves.

One of the most powerful things you can do is stop spending your money on things you don’t need. Minimalism is a powerful tool against oppression. Sadly it won’t put an end to what’s happening in Gaza, but it will put less money in the hands of those who seek only profit and control over others.

It’s not the answer to everything, but it’s a great place to start if you don’t know what else to do.

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Thank you for linking to my post. It is truly inspiring to see how many people are letting their hearts speak out, despite the reasons we are given for supporting the violence. When crimes are committed in our names, we cannot remain silent.

I think shifting public attitudes in part come on top of not only many years of exposure of Israeli crimes because of the rise of media technology, but moreover on top of many years of hollow lies that have been exposed, with the Ukraine war especially showing just how empty the West's concerns for human rights are and just how alone it stands on these issues. With each passing day, there is growing momentum for big structural changes.

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