Someone needs to create a photoshopped image of the White House press corps room and make the speaker at the podium Satan or Pinocchio (With 3ft Long Nose) and make all the *Faux Journalists* Puppets or Clowns!

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Great article!

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Thanks, Diane. That means a lot coming from a Substacker as talented as you are!

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The Breakfast Club also sold their soul, doing an attempted hatchet job on Jill Stein And Butch Ware.

And the Drink Champs podcast also sold out with an uttelry fake "town hall" with Kamala Harris. Disgusting.

Hopefully they lose a lot of their audience from here on out. Sellouts!

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It's possible they'll lose a good portion of their audiences--folks aren't in the mood for more lies and manipulation. This election could be the start of a whole new way of voters seeing corporate candidates for the bought off puppets they really are.

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1 billion dollars. 1 billion divided by $7,25 an hour Federal Bush Junior Obama Trump Biden minimum wage equals how many hours.

I remember once just being at a local county Democratic Party office having a conversation at the same time the party man was opening paper checks....either to the party or a congressman's reelection campaign. Lots of checks in just one days mail....All that money for college educated consultants and TV commercials and broadcast.....

Not bad if you can get it.

Talk about "Equity." .....I think about 2/3'rds of adults over age 25 do NOT have college degrees.....out if that Billion Dollars do you imagine 2/3rds was paid to people with college degrees? (Probably next to nothing!)

Now if everyone who gave the Democrats $1000 to help the working or "retired" poor improve their lives gave MY PUPPY WANTS A CHEESEBURGER GoFundMe than maybe I won't go homeless again.

If dems ever win again they should dramatically change federal home buying assistance and subsidized so that at least 2/3rds of that money goes to people without college degrees.

I got zero trying to buy a house because it's means tested to favor higher income people with good credit. I couldn't even get FEMA to help with durachio damage because they would not answer phone.....I applied...qualified...then they said my insurance should have covered even though they had letter from insurance company saying it wasn't ....it was like they only wanted to work with people with computers and vacation days not people working 6 days/nights a week.....

All these agencies under both our Monopoly Parties discriminate constantly in favor of government employees, college educated, high incomes and especially against the poorest full time working people.

Now I'm old enough if I go homeless again maybe I can move in to an elderly high rise and the feds may pay the landlord $1000 or more a month. But not 1 penny to me. I'm sure that supposed $25,000 for home buyers Harris spoke about would have left out mine wage workers and others who have to try to buy on contract because they aren't rich enough to get a governor subsidized low interest mortgage.

Anyway. Good article. I'm so pissed off at both of our violent pro war everywhere forever and pro rich anti poor pro college educated Monopoly Parties.

Think just how bad the Dems had to be for so long for working poor without college degrees ..... for them to choose the Republicans...with nothing for the working poor from them either.

American Nonviolent Dissident Artist and Environmentalist Mr Dodo B Bird. dodobbird.pixels.com

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I had to use a calculator ('cause I forget how to divide!) and did the math... It would take approximately 138,000 hours at minimum wage ($7.25) to equal $1 billion. It boggles the mind just how much good could have come from that money instead of promoting a genocide-enabling puppet of the oligarchy. Of course, the Dems didn't ask for our opinions on how to spend "their money" because we're invisible to them.

I'm angry at how the Dems (and the other side of the coin, GOP) have prevented workers from hearing about the Green Party's pro-worker, pro-peace, pro-environment platform all these years. It truly is evil using your paid-off media outlets to block information about alternative parties that propose policies that could save folks' lives. It's time for all workers to stand up against the duopoly that isn't hiding their hatred of us anymore!

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Funny not funny, I was recently the target and victim of multiple burglaries that changed my life for the worse. A wanted fugitive car theif burglar home invader named Stetson Carter was arrested by iowa department of criminal investigations.....but the other neighbors were not arrested.....anyway.....they practically emptied my house in broad daylight....meth lab nazis.....literally !!!

I'm amazed by what all they stole valuable and other. they stole 2 calculators. Of course they spent hours in my house....so angry!

So anyway I can not find my calculator cause it was stolen. But if you worked 1 million hours at $10 an hour that would be $10 million dollars right?

But my arts technology motto is "Math is hard, technology is harder." But maybe instead of 138,000 hours times $7.25 an hour Obama Biden Harris Trump Bush the Junior minimum wage....maybe that is 1,380,000 hours (one million three hundred eighty times $7.25 equals One Billion right?

Either way....it's insane how much money and how little to show.

I used to watch the Flood of cash to Iowa Caucuses which was a gold mine for every TV station in Iowa. Both parties spent money on right wing TV stations advertising and nothing to support small independent media much less progressive media...just ABC NBC. CBS. FOX ETC.


I recently watched all the different parties in New Zealand announcing their votes on that indigenous treaty vote......and being jealous again of proportional representation there and your choice of the 2 violent Monopoly Parties here.

Like they could blame all their failures on the Green Party. What if 60% of House and Senate Democrats "converted" to the Green Party maybe we could have at least the Green Party could compete against the Republicans and voters would have a choice.....and the Democratic Party could be an extinct party like the Whigs?

And last change of subject.....Senators Grassley and Durbin on Senate Judiciary should both call for impeaching and removing Biden for ordering US military to attack Russia from US military bases in Ukraine.

Unconstitutional and as insane as Dr Strangelove.

American Nonviolent Dissident Artist and Environmentalist Mr Dodo B Bird. dodobbird.pixels.com

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Can you imagine all the good the billions of dollars spent pushing politicians down our throats was spent instead on social programs the people need? AIPAC and the others really owe the world peace, free healthcare, and food and shelter. They could afford it millions of times over! End Citizens United!

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The Move To Amend is still working hard to do just that--end Citizens United--but the way our Congress is filled with puppets of the oligarchy, I'm not sure I'll live long enough to see it. (Check out movetoamend.org about their progress to amend the Constitution to outlaw big money in US politics.)

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The FT, of all places, had a good article on how Trump was a protest vote,nothing more.

When voters realize that the game is rigged and not in their favor, it is a entirely understandable response to Burn It All Down.

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Yeah, when you realize nobody in power is listening to you, what other options do you have except to "Burn it all down"? I just wish more "protest votes" could have been for Jill Stein instead of Trump this time around so her total would help the Green Party's future efforts at local, state and federal levels. But the fight must continue on no matter what!

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