Apr 23Liked by The Revolution Continues

Think of all the energy and time and money the Dems put into this trickery ... All because they rather support a genocide of innocents than support true democracy. I hope everyone who can supports and votes for Eduardo Quitana for Arizona senator. We need to send the dirty Dem tricksters a message that we don't care for their immoral actions.

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Apr 24Liked by The Revolution Continues

Truly, it is a farce, and citizens of our country and the world deserve better. Dems don't take far right fascism seriously because they are pretty fascist themselves, bought by the same corporate interests, and therefore are not willing to fight it head on. Thank you for collecting these stories and connecting these dots! The press blackout on third parties is intense! The real wasted vote is a vote for either side of the establishment united in war and exploitation.

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Apr 26Liked by The Revolution Continues

this is why i roll my eyes when ppl say the republican and ‘democratic’ party aren’t the same. like this is fucking insane 🤬🤬

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Apr 25Liked by The Revolution Continues

The so-called 'Democrats' are morally bankrupt and ethically destitute. If they had confidence their policies would find favor with the voting public they wouldn't CARE what 3rd parties ran or on what manifesto. Instead they trot out yet another raft of dirty tricks. Don't forget this is the party who utterly failed to condemn the use of child porn to disrupt Sanders' supporters on social media the night of the 2016 NY primary.

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Apr 24Liked by The Revolution Continues

Isn't that how Sinema started?

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