Jun 11·edited Jun 11Liked by The Revolution Continues

Good article.

I would add that the BlackAgendaReport.con has had over the years a lot of prescient analysis and news reports tracking as documenting this development.Glen Ford saw the outlines of this and of the infamous 1033 program to militarise police forces against Americans. That publication also offers some excellent early career work by Danny Haiphong detailing the scandalous actions by Obama and his Eric-Holder-led in-Justice department who contributed greatly to the militarisation of the Mexico border.

Cop that knowledge before they get shut down - Biden already has his sights on Omali Yeshitela who was a frequent contributor of content and insights there.

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Thank you for the mention of Black Agenda Report. We all need to read independent analysis and gain insights to counteract the mainstream media's status quo propaganda. I worry that not enough Americans will realize that we're being "walled in" before it's too late, so we'd better get down to work spreading this information. Power to the people!

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Jun 11Liked by The Revolution Continues

I dream about having the magical ability to make the US military industrial complex disappear in an instant. I'm not saying it would end all the world's problems, but it would make a substantial dent in them practically overnight. If people could live safely in their homelands, we wouldn't see desperate immigrants at our border begging for asylum. And think of all the pollution the US military makes that would stop if it ceased to be. Imagine!

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I wish there was a magical method of ridding us of the MIC, but alas there's not. We'll just have to shut it down the old-fashioned way: Boycott/Divest/Sanction. I read an X post today that said Intel was not going ahead with a $15 billion deal with an Israel firm. That's a good step in the right direction!

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Not to mention all the cop cities being built😬


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Yeah, there's a lot more of them than most realize. They're getting ready to wall us all in and make us "behave" as they want us to or else.

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