"Told You So"
by C. A. Matthews
Glenn Greenwald (@ggreenwald): Make sure to say “kids in cages” as many times as you can for the next few weeks because starting on January 20, 2021, that phrase is going to disappear from the lexicon so fast it’s going to make your head spin, even though there will still be plenty of kids in cages. (Twitter response to news that Cecilia Muñoz, a defender of family separations under Obama, will join Biden's transition team.)
If you ever grew up with siblings/cousins/friends close by, I'm sure you heard these three little words from time to time. You probably grew to hate them and the attitude that came along with them as much as I did.
"Ha-ha! Told you so!"
Sometimes, however, there's just no other way to get a message across to people than to simply tell them that you've given them all the information they needed previously, but that they are stubbornly refusing to accept it. This is when those three little irritating words can come in handy:
Told you so.
This week the "told you so" information is so obvious, so clear and undeniable that even a blind bat wearing dark glasses on a moonless night wouldn't be able to miss it. But I'm certain they'll be more than a few American neoliberals who'll fail to understand how much they've been used by the corrupt system and will cry out, "Uh-uh!" like any kid would upon being told these irritating three little words.
So, I won't continue to hammer you with that phrase if you promise to watch, read, listen and comprehend the information available from the links below. Promise? Good. You deserve to be informed, and you need to know that you (and others like you) were duped on purpose so you would help install yet another corrupt politician-puppet to serve the needs of the oligarchs and plutarchs.
It's not that you're a "bad person" or stupid or anything like that. You have been tricked, used and manipulated by greedy people and their well-oiled political machine. The ball is now in your court. It's time for you to wake up to that fact and live your life in freedom and in truth. Continuing to play their game will only lead you to future heartache and the possible end of our planet.
Nothing will get better in this country or this world if we continue to lie to ourselves and allow others to manipulate us for their own selfish ends. This applies to politician-puppets who take large sums of cash from the fossil fuel industry and the military industrial complex double-fold.
Break free of their propaganda and start questioning everything you hear, have ever heard, or will ever hear from the next occupant of the White House. Your mind is too beautiful of a thing to waste on believing the talking points of conniving con artists for the corporations.
Learn more from following videos, articles and blog links.
Francesca Fiorentini contemplates if Biden will be able to overcome his centrist (i.e., Republican-lite) leanings to stop fascism.
Even More Links:
The Newest Member of Biden's Transition Team: Defender of Obama Era Deportations and Family Separations https://www.leftvoice.org/the-newest-member-of-bidens-transition-team-defender-of-obama-era-deportations-and-family-separations
Organized Labor Shouldn't Expect Much from President Joe Biden https://jacobinmag.com/2020/11/joe-biden-labor-unions-afl-cio-kamala-harris
One Third of Biden's Pentagon Transition Team Hails From Organizations Financed by the Weapons Industry https://inthesetimes.com/article/joe-biden-department-of-defense-pentagon-transition-team-weapons-industry-military
Biden Will Keep Sanctions, Troops in Syria:
Biden Could Be One of the Most Dangerous Presidents Ever
Biden Won’t Stop American Imperialism:
Meet the Filthy Rich War Hawks That Make Up Biden's New Foreign Policy Team
"Biden World" Blames Progressives for Their Losses! (Republican ex-governor of Ohio John Kasich, who spoke at the convention, tells Democrats that progressives are the party's problem.)
"Did Your War Criminal Win?"
The author of the following piece is supposedly on Biden's Covid-19 task force. Don't let him near your loved ones aged 75 and up. https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2014/10/why-i-hope-to-die-at-75/379329/
"Few politicians have done more harm in America’s War on Drugs than the former senator from Delaware." -- from Joe Biden: The Architect of America's Disastrous War on Drugshttps://fee.org/articles/joe-biden-the-architect-of-america-s-disastrous-war-on-drugs/
Big Tech Oligarchs in Biden Administration Overseeing Censorship